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    Henry Waxman

    Jew Score:



    September 12, 1939 —

    You would think that being a member of the House of Representatives would not be good for job security. After all, every two years the entire legislative body is up for election.

    There are some exceptions, however. Beverly Hills, for one.

    Yes, Beverly Hills, California, home of ritz, glamor, chihuahuas, and the world's most famous zip code. Also the home district of Congressman Henry Waxman, who has been in the House since 1974. He's survived 20 elections... and most of them haven't been close.

    How does Waxman keep doing it? Is it the fancy mustache? Is it the Jewishness? Or is that Beverly Hills and the surrounding areas pretty much always vote Democratic?

    Whatever the case may be, Waxman's 39 years in the House are not even close to the all-time record. The goyishe and mustacheless John Dingell from suburban Detroit has served 58 years, and he is still kicking it.

    Talk about job security...

    (Editor's update: Waxman retired in 2015, having stretched his term to 40 years.)

    Verdict: Jew.

    December 4, 2013

    See Also

    Barbara Boxer

    Barney Frank

    Florence Prag Kahn

    Paul Ryan

    Andrea Zuckerman
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