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    Jew or Not Jew FAQ
    What is JewOrNotJew.com?

    We're a website dedicated to determining the Jewishness of various celebrities, historical figures, and fictional characters. It's a good time.

    What do the ratings mean?

    The handy About the Jew Score link will answer that.

    Why ratings? Why not just say Jew or Not Jew?

    Because we had a picture of a really Jewish-looking guy and wanted to use it. Plus, it's more fun this way.

    So you guys are the experts on who's Jewish and who isn't?

    Nope. Most of the time we don't even do research. We're just making this up as we go along and then exhibiting it in a venue that allows anyone to see it.

    G-d Bless the Internet.

    Who are the people in the icons next to the Jew Score?

    Clipart. And some jackass for the 0 score.

    Why don't you guys list (insert Jew here)?

    Probably because we're lazy and haven't written their profile yet. We're happy to do requests, but otherwise we have an extra super-secret method of choosing who gets added. We let the guinea pig pick.

    So-and-So is not Jewish! His mother is gentile, so he can't be a Jew!

    We're sorry, but that's not a question.

    OK, fine. Why do you list people as Jewish if they don't have a Jewish mother?

    We find the definition of maternal lineage limiting. If someone has a Jewish father, a gentile mother, but considers themselves Jewish, who are we to say otherwise?

    And this is similar for people with a Jewish mother who do not consider themselves Jewish?

    Yes. If we have a clear statement by the profilee on whether they consider themselves Jewish or not, this is what we go by.

    Why do you consider being Jewish an ethnicity?

    This depends on your definition of "Jew". To us, it's BOTH a religion and ethnicity. There are people ethnically but not religiously Jewish. There are people religiously but not ethnically Jewish. And anywhere in between.

    Are you, the creators of this website, Jewish?

    Isn't it obvious?

    No, it's not. I haven't bothered to read the profiles. So can you please answer the question?

    Yes, we're Jewish. Sheesh.

    What are "Borderline Jew" and "Barely a Jew" verdicts?

    Sometimes, we can't clearly identify a person as Jewish. "Borderline" is usually used in the cases of partial heritage, where the person has not clearly identified as either Jewish or goyishe. "Barely" is usually used for people who have Jewish ancestry, but should not be considered a Jew. There are multiple exceptions to each rule. When we'll figure it out, we'll let you know.

    Why is So-and-So listed in Such-and-Such category?

    We give up. Why? Why is the sky blue? Why do only ugly chicks ride the bus in the morning? Why do you insist on asking annoying questions? The answer is, we don't know why. No one does. We're just doing what the voices in our heads tell us to do.

    What's with the links at the bottom of the profile pages?

    It lets you move between profiles that share (somewhat) similar qualities. This helps us keep the older profiles from being lost and forgotten in the bottom of a deep, dark hole like a once-beloved childhood toy or the dead body of a former rival. Hopefully closer to the beloved toy.

    The links don't make any sense: Why is So-and-So linked to Whosiwhatsit and not Whats-His-Face?

    There may be some deeper meaning that can be divined from why one person is connected to another. But we wouldn't bet on it. Mostly we're just pulling this out of our tuchases. If it makes sense, so much the better.

    Are you behind the banned "Jew or Not Jew" iPhone app?

    No. Someone knowingly stole our name and used our information. Banned? Good riddance.

    Want to go out for a nosh?

    Sounds good. But only if you're female. And hot. OK, you don't have to be female.

    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.