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    Ashrita Furman

    Jew Score:



    (Keith Furman)
    September 16, 1954 —

    Who is this man and why is he holding a milk bottle on his head? Well, that's Ashrita Furman, and he holds the world record for balancing a milk bottle on his head.

    But that's not the only record Furman holds. At some point, he has held world records for... underwater cycling, bouncing on a kangaroo ball, catching grapes in the mouth, apple bobbing, sack racing (yes, you're not mistaken, that's a yak's behind), upside-down juggling, knee bends on a balance board (under an elephant?), and piggyback carrying. As of this writing, that's 551 records overall, including the record for... most world records.

    So what set Furman on this life-long journey? "I had a Jewish upbringing, and my dad was a lawyer," Furman said. "I was looking at a similar future. I felt empty inside." So he became a follower of spiritual master Sri Chinmoy, changed his name from Keith to Ashrita, and, set on a path of self-discovery... and record-breaking.

    Feeling empty because of one's Jewish upbringing... Now where is that milk bottle?

    Verdict: Borderline Jew.

    August 12, 2014

    See Also

    Joe Greenstein

    Abe Hollandersky

    Yisrael Kristal

    Don "Moses" Lerman

    Hubert Wolfe+585 Sr.
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.