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    Hedy Lamarr

    Jew Score:



    (Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler)
    November 9, 1913 – January 19, 2000

    Hedy Lamarr was:

    a) an A-List Hollywood actress in the 1940s

    b) a pioneering inventor of wireless technology

    c) Hitler's secret mistress

    d) married to her divorce lawyer

    e) Jewish

    A trick question, to say the least. a) Yes. b) Yes(!), she helped invent something called "frequency-hopping spread-spectrum" technology. c) It is supposedly claimed in a biography, but seems quite unlikely. d) Yes, her sixth husband was her divorce lawyer... they probably spent so much time with each other on her first five divorces they couldn't help but get together.

    But of course, what we're really wondering is e). Hedy was born Jewish in Austria, but apparently became a Catholic later in her life.

    Rats. Movie star, inventor, serial divorcee... Wouldn't it be too much to ask for her to stay Jewish?

    Verdict: Borderline Jew.

    September 2, 2009

    See Also

    Rita Hayworth

    Adolf Hitler

    Erich Maria Remarque

    Simone Signoret

    Mae West
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.