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    Andrea Ghez

    Jew Score:



    June 16, 1965 —

    "It's even worse in Physics, where just two out of 200 winners were women, and the last one of those was in 1963." — Jew or Not Jew, 2016

    "It only took 55 years, but the Nobel committee, in all its chauvinist glory, has awarded the 2018 Physics Prize to an actual woman!" — Jew or Not Jew, 2019

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there, Nobel committee. Do you expect us to write a new profile every time you do this?

    While it took 55 years for a third woman Physics laureate, it only took two for the fourth: astronomer Andrea M. Ghez! She got the Nobel for discovering the black hole in the center of our galaxy. (So, when we're all eventually sucked into that hole, you know whom to thank.) And, yes, she is Jewish, on the father's side. (More than good enough for us!)

    So congrats to Ghez, and... kudos to the Nobel committee for trying?

    On second thought, please don't slow down.

    Verdict: Borderline Jew.

    October 7, 2020

    See Also

    Joan Feynman

    Maria Goeppert-Mayer

    Elinor Ostrom

    Roger Penrose

    Karl Schwarzschild
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.