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    Chuck Blazer

    Jew Score:



    April 26, 1945 – July 12, 2017

    FIFA, the governing body of world soccer, is incredibly corrupt. Bribes are the norm. (How do you think Qatar, a country with no soccer infrastructure and insane summer heat, was selected to host the World Cup?) Everyone knew that; it was just never proven.

    Enter Chuck Blazer, who held a number of high posts in the US Soccer Federation, the regional CONCACAF, and in FIFA itself. Blazer blew the whistle, exposing his cohorts. It led to an international raid, with numerous FIFA executives arrested, and a whole-scale change at top of the organization. (It's still incredibly corrupt, but somewhat less so. Small steps.)

    The crimes now came into the limelight. For example, one FIFA executive used money earmarked for soccer to pad his own pockets. He had not one, but two rent-free apartments in Trump Tower (shrug). One of the apartments was for... his cats. He funneled over a million into a timeshare in the Bahamas. He stole money to pay for his parking, his caterers, his housekeeper, his phone, his car insurance (for a Hummer that he also got for free...)

    That executive?

    Chuck Blazer.

    Verdict: Sadly, a Jew.

    July 26, 2017

    See Also

    Santa Claus

    Don Garber

    Bernie Madoff

    Alan Rothenberg

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