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    Alden Ehrenreich

    Jew Score:



    November 22, 1989 —

    Han and Chewie are going to hate each other.

    Let's backtrack. As we all know, Disney is all in with Star Wars. Every year from now to eternity (i.e., when it stops being profitable), we will get a Star Wars movie. Some of these will continue the original saga, some will be standalone vehicles. We're getting one this year about the rebels stealing Death Star plans. We'll be getting one in 2018, about young Han Solo.

    Young Han Solo! Of course, they can't take Harrison Ford back in time, so the search for the right actor was far and wide. They settled on Alden Ehrenreich, who is not exactly well-known (and, considering the success with Daisy Ridley and John Boyega, that's probably a good thing), but is Jewish, so that makes us happy! (Ford is Jewish, Ehrenreich is Jewish, it only makes sense, right?)

    Anyway, we're pretty sure that this movie MUST feature Han meeting Chewie for the first time. And if we were betting men (and some of us are), we'd wager that they are not going to like each other. Sure, it will blossom into a wonderful friendship by the end of the film, but initially? Conflict.

    Surprise us, Disney! Throw us a curveball! "Hi, I'm Han." (GROWWWL) "Let's be friends!" (GROWWWL)

    Something like that...

    Verdict: Jew.

    June 8, 2016

    See Also

    Harrison Ford

    Woody Harrelson

    Oscar Isaac

    Ben Mendelsohn

    Ebon Moss-Bachrach
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.