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    Eli Wallach

    Jew Score:



    December 7, 1915 – June 24, 2014

    "And for your final homework assignment," the game theory professor said, "watch 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly', and pay attention to the final scene."

    We scoffed. We had better things to do than watch 1960s westerns. Or so we thought.

    Soon after, on the final exam, there was a question about that final scene. Let us set the stage.

    There's the Good (Clint Eastwood), the Bad (Lee Van Cleef), and the Ugly (Eli Wallach; we would usually make a stink about a Jew being "the Ugly", but, clearly, Wallach is no Adonis). They face off in a three-way duel (truel?). So you don't want to be the one who shoots first, but you definitely don't want to be the one who gets shot first, and then when you consider various accuracies... damn you, game theory professor!

    We don't remember how we did on that exam, but we do remember how the film ended. No spoilers here, just watch the movie!

    Let that be your homework assignment.

    Verdict: Jew.

    December 6, 2013

    See Also

    Broncho Billy Anderson

    Yul Brynner

    Michael Landon

    Hugh O'Brian

    Isaac Raboy
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