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    Leona Helmsley

    Jew Score:



    (Lena Mindy Rosenthal)
    July 4, 1920 – August 20, 2007

    Leona Helmsley could be profiled on a lot of websites.

    DegenerateOrNotDegenerate.com: The most likely site, really. In the late 70s and mid 80s New York City was just short of a slum and Leona Helmsley was its lord. She was famous for berating employees, random firings, and abusive behaviors. The woman the press anointed as the Queen of Mean was essentially Donald Trump and George Steinbrenner's test tube baby.

    CriminalOrNotCriminal.com: Another good choice. Helmsley was imprisoned for tax evasion, fraud, and falsifying legal documents, reportedly claiming that "only little people pay taxes." She was also likely guilty of theft and embezzlement. But she was declared innocent of extortion. So, yay!

    DogLoversOrNotDogLovers.com: Leona Helmsley clearly loved her dog. Like, a lot. When she died, she left her pet maltese (presciently named Trouble) a $12 million trust fund and provided for its burial in her family mausoleum. Cooler heads prevailed, thankfully, and poor Trouble was forced to subsist on a mere $2 million till his death in 2010. Meanwhile, Helmsley intentionally left a whole part of her own family out of her will entirely, reportedly because she didn't like what they named their children.

    As for JewOrNotJew.com? Well, we can't imagine any reason why we'd profile her here.

    Except, well, what do you know — she belongs on this site, too! Isn't that just... wonderful...

    Verdict: Sadly, a Jew.

    August 23, 2013

    See Also

    Sheldon Adelson

    Adam Neumann

    George Steinbrenner

    Donald Sterling

    Donald Trump
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