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    Freddie Prinze Sr.

    Jew Score:



    June 22, 1954 – January 29, 1977

    Today, Freddie Prinze Senior is best known for fathering Freddie Prinze Junior, but in his day he was a well-known actor and comedian.

    A comedian who told everyone that he was "Hungarican", son of a Hungarian Jewish father and a Puerto Rican Catholic mother.

    One little problem. The mother part was all true. The father? Not exactly. He was actually German, with absolutely no evidence of Jewishness.

    So why the lie? Prinze thought that being Jewish would give him an advantage in the industry. That's right. In the world of entertainment where pretty much everyone tries to hide their Jewishness, Prinze thought it would give him a leg up.

    All fine and good. How we can fault anyone for wanting to be Jewish?

    It's wanting to be Hungarian that we can't understand.

    Verdict: Not a Jew.

    September 18, 2012

    See Also

    Ian Gomez

    Bruno Mars

    Freddie Prinze Jr.

    Geraldo Rivera

    Tim Roth
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.