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    Vladimir Nabokov

    Jew Score:



    April 22, 1899 – July 2, 1977

    The publishing of Vladimir Navokov's "The Original of Laura" has been called the literary event of the year. The Russian-turned-American author (in case you're wondering what he's doing on our website, his wife was Jewish) of the still-controversial "Lolita" has been dead for over 30 years, and his final work will finally see the light of day.

    But we, for all our love of Nabokov's works, are a tad worried. You see, he wanted his final novel destroyed. Perhaps it was because he deemed it not worthy?

    Nabokov was brilliant; his books are a work of literary genius who mastered every nuance of not one, but two languages. He's modern yet classic, sharp yet melancholy, exotic yet traditional. It's a high standard to live up to.

    So what if "Laura" doesn't? Honestly, we look at our JONJ profiles (and we would never compare ourselves to Nabokov), and, don't get us wrong, most are pretty damn great, but... there are some that we would like to take back.

    Oh well. We guess we'll have to take the plunge and read "Laura". It's a risk worth taking.

    And, just to make it clear, if we do pass on (don't worry, dear readers (and family), we have no intention to do so), we would like all our unpublished JONJ profiles to be posted.

    Except for Corey Haim. He's staying in the vault forever.

    Verdict: Sadly, Not a Jew.

    November 17, 2009

    See Also

    Vasily Aksyonov

    Jorge Luis Borges

    Joseph Brodsky

    Humbert Humbert

    Boris Pasternak
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