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    Albert Brooks

    Jew Score:



    (Albert Lawrence Einstein)
    July 22, 1947 —

    Let's say that your last name is Einstein. A fairly common Jewish last name. And let's say you have a son. How would you name that son?

    David is a good Jewish name. David Einstein. Doesn't sound too bad.

    What about Michael? Michael Einstein. Not too shabby.

    Benjamin Einstein. Samuel Einstein. Or you don't even have to go to the Jewish route. Ryan Einstein! Jayden Einstein! Xavier Einstein!

    There are many many options. And we know one thing: Albert is not among them. As if the kid won't have enough trouble with that last name alone. But "Albert Einstein"? It's a bit too much to live up to. It's a bit too much to deal with. You'll need a big sense of humor with that one.

    No wonder Albert Einstein... err... make that Albert Brooks, became a comedian.

    Verdict: Jew.

    October 15, 2008

    See Also

    Albert Einstein

    Bob Einstein

    Harry Einstein

    Marlin and Nemo

    Sharon Stone
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.