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    Hellmuth Hertz

    Jew Score:



    October 15, 1920 – April 29, 1990

    Carl Hellmuth Hertz came from quite a scientific family. His father, Gustav Hertz, won the Physics Nobel in 1925. His uncle, Heinrich Hertz, discovered electromagnetic waves and is the namesake of the hertz, the unit of frequency.

    Hellmuth himself was not too shabby in the scientific arena. In fact, pretty much every parent in the modern world had one of their happiest memories due to his creation.

    Carl Hellmuth Hertz invented the ultrasound. Yep, those first moments you saw your yet-unborn child were due to this German-born Swede with some Jewish heritage! So why such a low K Score?

    Despite that Jewish heritage, this Hertz actually served in the Nazi army during World War II. Which, you know, conscripted or not, is not exactly great.

    Still, what an accomplished family!

    Verdict: Barely a Jew.

    March 21, 2022

    See Also

    James Franck

    Heinrich Hertz

    Robert Jarvik

    Charles Steinmetz

    Paul Zoll
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.