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    About the Jew Score
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    Magnus Hirschfeld

    Jew Score:



    May 14, 1868 – May 14, 1935

    The World League for Sexual Reform...

    Yes, that's right. The World League of Sexual Reform. It's a real thing. Well, was a real thing. What did you think, we make something like this up? Anyway....

    The World League for Sexual Reform was founded by Magnus Hirschfield in 1928. The Jewish doctor was on the forefront of Germany's sexual revolution, helping transform its society into probably the world's freest. The league is considered the first ever LGBTQ rights organization, but its goals extended beyond that.

    Among the league's platform were sexual equality among men and women, secularization of marriage and divorce, voluntary birth control, protection of unmarried mothers, improved sex education, legalization of acts between consenting adults... All seem foundational today (alas, not to a certain part of the population).

    So how did the league fare? Well, Hirschfield was Jewish (strike one) and gay (strike two), and strike three was not necessary for the Nazis. In 1933, the league started to get attacked. After being kicked out of Germany, Hirschfield died in 1935.

    And that was it for the World League for Sexual Reform.

    Verdict: Jew.

    June 30, 2021

    See Also

    Sigmund Freud

    Julius Fromm

    Gregory Pincus

    Ruth Westheimer

    Bernhard Zondek
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.