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    Jemima Goldsmith

    Jew Score:



    January 30, 1974 —

    How close was Pakistan to getting a Jewish first lady? You read that right, Pakistan. Not exactly a country that embraces Jews... not that it has any Jews to embrace.

    As with everything, this one begins with a love story, between Pakistani cricketer Imran Khan and English film producer Jemima Goldsmith, whose paternal lineage is Jewish. (England, where the lack of breakfast syrup makes Jemima not only an appropriate, but a popular name.)

    The two were married in 1995, as Jemima converted to Islam and moved to Pakistan. The marriage lasted until 2004, when Jemima decided that adaptation was too difficult... and Khan's political opponents used her Jewishness as fodder for slander.

    After divorce, Khan went on a meteoric rise, holding various government positions, before being named Prime Minister this year. Jemima dated Hugh Grant.

    So, yeah, not that close. And yet... kinda close.

    Verdict: Barely a Jew.

    November 14, 2018

    See Also

    Muhammad Asad

    Louisa Benson Craig

    Jemima Kirke

    Houda Nonoo

    Dominique Ouattara
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.