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    Albert Von Tilzer

    Jew Score:



    (Albert Gumm)
    March 29, 1878 – October 1, 1956

    Shouldn't "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" be the national anthem?

    Both "Ballgame" and "Star Spangled Banner" were written as poems first and then later set to music. And at least "Ballgame" has the decency to be based on an original tune (composed by Albert Von Tilzer, Jew!).

    The words to "Banner" are completely ludicrous. Not to mention that it describes a battle that the US lost as part of an ill-conceived war against a vastly superior foe. "Ballgame" at least makes some sense, lyrically. Plus it has product placement in the song. What's more American than that?

    And how many of us actually know the words to our anthem anyway. Half the celebrities who sing the thing at (ironically) ball games end up screwing it up. But "Ballgame" is one of the best known tunes in the country, second only to Happy Birthday and, perhaps, Yankee Doodle or somesuch.

    If baseball is the national sport, the metaphor for our the national consciousness, then shouldn't our national song be about the game, too?

    Of course, we may be a little biased here.

    Verdict: Jew.

    April 16, 2014

    See Also

    Mordecai "Three Finger" Brown

    Oscar Hammerstein

    Lorenz Hart

    Lip Pike

    Philip Van Doren Stern
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