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    About the Jew Score
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    Fred Trueman

    Jew Score:



    February 6, 1931 – July 1, 2006

    On our website, we've profiled football Jews, soccer Jews, gymnastics Jews, swimming Jews... Even rugby Jews and sailing Jews!

    Well, one of the world's most popular sports is missing. Cricket.

    Now, we don't pretend to understand cricket. Far from it. In fact, when someone tried to explain it to us, we got lost on the second sentence. And yet, there must be some Jews who were good at cricket... right?

    Well, here is one. Englishman Fred Trueman. According to Wikipedia, he was "one of the greatest bowlers in cricket's history". Don't trust Wikipedia? They built a statue of Trueman in the town of Skipton. Those Skiptonians (Skiptonites?) wouldn't build a statue for just anyone!

    In any case, Trueman's Jewishness is not exactly straight-forward, for he only discovered that his grandmother was Jewish late in his life. But he did say that he was happy to be called Jewish, so hooray for Jewish cricketeers (cricketers?)!

    So, what sports do we have left to cover? Archery? Taekwondo? Curling? Our website's job is never done!

    Verdict: Borderline Jew.

    December 13, 2013

    See Also

    Louis Bookman

    Terry Braunstein

    George Cohen

    Napoleon Einstein

    Gal Fridman
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.