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    About the Jew Score
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    Michelle Bernstein

    Jew Score:



    January 19, 1969 —

    What's the best thing about Hanukkah?

    Let's be honest, it's not the presents. Most of the time, they are pretty crappy.

    It's not spinning the dreidel. Have you actually tried it? And, by the way, good job, Jews, teaching your kids gambling at such an early age.

    Lighting the menorah? No, that's just a fire hazard, especially as you get closer to the eighth night.

    No, the best part of Hanukkah is... LATKES!

    Yes, latkes, the most delicious of all Jewish cuisine! So simple on the surface, just a fried potato pancake... and yet, so tasty! (Of course, it doesn't have to be so simple. For example, famed chef Michelle Bernstein puts jalapenos in hers.)

    But you know what? Why wait until Hanukkah to eat latkes? You can have them all the time! Your waistline might not agree, but still...

    So if not latkes, what's the best thing about Hanukkah?

    Chocolate coins. Duh!

    Verdict: Jew.

    December 7, 2012

    See Also

    Heston Blumenthal

    Hanukkah Harry

    Judah Maccabee

    Gail Simmons

    Hannukkah Wallace
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.