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    Jew Score:




    Who says the Bible is boring? It is full of mythology, natural disasters, insanity, battles, magic, erotic poetry, and sadism. There is something in it for everyone!

    And sex. Oh, is the Bible full of sex. Such as the story of Rahab... Remember that one?

    The story comes from the Book of Joshua. Joshua, the leader of the Jews, decided to take the city of Jericho, and sent a couple of spies to investigate the situation. In Jericho, the spies did their job, and then encountered a local prostitute, Rahab, spending the evening enjoying her company. (Yes, really. This is in the Bible. Joshua 2. Look it up.)

    Somehow, the powers that be in Jericho got whiff of the spies, and sent soldiers to Rahab's house. But for some reason, the prostitute decided to spare the nice Jewish men, hiding them under bundles of flax. The soldiers returned with nothing, the spies came back to Joshua. Soon, the Jews took Jericho, massacring the populace.

    Except for Rahab. As a reward for her participation, she and her family were spared. And since Jews were always such a welcoming bunch, Rahab was rewarded with a conversion. We're not sure what happened afterwards, but we're assuming she lived out her days as a G-d fearing, Jewish prostitute.

    Sex, spies, war, betrayal, murder, prostitutes... No wonder the Bible is the best-read book of all time!

    Verdict: Jew.

    October 4, 2011

    See Also


    Heidi Fleiss


    Mary Magdalene

    Mandy Rice-Davies
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.