We're not sure if "The Odd Couple" is the most famous American play of all time, but it's definitely the most relatable. After all, most have experienced death, but not necessarily of salesmen; the southern-belle-who-goes-mad trope is a thing of the past; and G-d damn, people of "Our Town", buy some freaking furniture!
But Neil Simon's "The Odd Couple"? Who hasn't lived with a slob... or a neat freak? Oh, everyone (and we mean EVERYONE) is either an Oscar or a Felix.
The play is so flexible and adaptable (They can be Black! They can be gay! They can be women! They can be Black gay women!), but of course, the most famous Oscar and Felix will always be...
Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon!
Wait, no.
Jack Klugman and Tony Randall!
Uhhhh... We'll let you have your pick. But that's three out of four Jews!