Evelyn Berezin invented the word processor. What's a word processor? Oh boy. How old is our average audience?
You have heard of typewriters, right? Those bulky machines with ribbons, little levers (they are called typebars, apparently) that pounded the paper, and that famous ding sound when you got to the end of a line? No? Argh.
Well, you know of desktop computers, right? They were like laptops, but bigger. Had giant monitors that resembled TVs... Well, not TVs as you know them... Wait, do you even own a TV? ARGH!
Anyway, between typewriters and desktop computers was the time for word processors. Imagine if your phone had the Notes app and nothing else... Are we now speaking your language?
In any case, the word processor was invented by Evelyn Berezin back in 1969. This amazing Jewish woman also came up with the first airline reservation system...
Please don't ask us to explain that!